Our Top 10 Free Global Health Online Courses

Ever wanted to learn more about Global Health but did not know where to start? Or are you looking to expand what you already know? We compiled a list of free Global Health online courses for you. Whether you are already working in the health sector or not, these courses will teach you the cornerstones of Global Health.

Introductory Courses for Global Health
Essentials of Global Health by Yale University: For those who are new to the world of global health. The course targets questions like: What do people get sick or disabled from? What are causes of death? Why do they suffer from these conditions? Social determinants, burden of disease and health disparities are some of the key concepts you will learn. You can do the course for free. A certificate can be obtained via a small fee.
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Foundations of Global Health by Johns Hopkins University: Through a project-based approach, you will learn the building blocks of effective program planning, implementation, and evaluation in a variety of settings by analyzing health systems, proposing health care interventions, and developing a community health worker training plan among other things. You can do the course for free. A certificate can be obtained via a small fee.
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An Introduction to Global Health by the University of Copenhagen provides you with an overview of the most important health challenges facing the world today. Successful international strategies and programs promoting human health will be highlighted, global health governance structures mapped, and the role of the key actors explored. You can do the course for free. A certificate can be obtained via a small fee.
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Cross-cutting topics within Global Health
The Health Effects of Climate Change by Harvard University. From heat and air quality to infectious diseases and nutrition, this course teaches you about the intersection between health and climate and what we could do to diminish adverse health outcomes. You can do the course for free. A certificate can be obtained via a small fee.
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The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness by University of Toronto teaches you how social factors promote mental health, influence the onset and course of mental illness, and affect how mental illnesses are diagnosed and treated. You can do the course for free. A certificate can be obtained via a small fee.
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Transitioning to complex risk management and resilient urban futures: harnessing south-south cooperation and learning from COVID-19 by Open WHO. Local authorities play a large role in South-South and triangular cooperation (knowledge sharing, training and capacity building, technology exchange) in various areas including disaster risk mitigation and climate change. Learn more and receive a free Record of Achievement by earning at least 80% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
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Governing Pandemics by the Graduate Institute Geneva is designed for those wishing to follow and engage with ongoing processes to reform global arrangements for pandemic preparedness and response. Topics include WHO; treaties; financing: sharing of data and samples; access to vaccines and drugs; trade and travel restrictions; animal-human health; human rights; humanitarian assistance; universal health coverage and geopolitics within 8 sessions taught by renowned professors like Ilona Kickbusch, Suerie Moon and Gian Luca Burci.
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Methodologies and Approaches in Global Health
Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics by University of Cape Town. If you have ever skipped over the results section of a medical paper because terms like “confidence interval” or “p-value” go over your head, then you are in the right place. This course teaches you everything, from study types to statistical analysis of quantitative and categorical data to understanding which test to use. You can do the course for free. A certificate can be obtained via a small fee.
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Global Health Case Studies from a Biosocial Perspective by Harvard University recognizes the role of distinctive traditions, governments, and histories in shaping health and wellbeing. Taught by four well-known physician-anthropologists in Global Health: Paul Farmer, Arthur Kleinman, Anne Becker, and Salmaan Keshavjee, this course addresses the social science research side of Global Health. You can do the course for free. A certificate can be obtained via a small fee.
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Creative Problem Solving: Design Thinking in Health and Social Care by St. George’s University London. Healthcare systems face increasing demand, limited budgets, and major health challenges. Design thinking employs a patient-centered analysis to address challenges. This course teaches the core principles including visualisation, iteration, and collaboration in only two weeks. You can do the course for free. A certificate can be obtained via a small fee.
This list is by no means exhaustive. If you have taken an online course that you would like to recommend to the global health community, please reach out to info@globalhealthub.de and we will take it up in our next edition.
Image source: Unsplash / Aaron Burden