The Hub continuously launches publications on relevant topics in global health

In the context of our Catalyst Dialogues, Hub Communities and other formats, we regularly produce publications with concrete recommendations. What makes these publications special is the involvement of multiple actor groups in the process of their creation, allowing us to leverage diverse expertise and present a variety of perspectives.


As a Global Health Hub, we believe that the challenges in global health can only be addressed through collaboration among all actor groups and sectors. Therefore, in cooperation with Healthy DEvelopments, we organized four Catalyst Dialogues on current issues in global health, featuring renowned experts from different actor groups. The topics included "Global Health Architecture" and "Climate and Health" in 2022 as well as "Global Health Financing" and "Digital Transformation for Improved Healthcare" in 2023. We compile the perspectives and arguments of the experts into policy briefs, providing specific recommendations for policymakers. Our cross-sectoral approach in these briefs offers a unique opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of complex subject matter and learn about the diverse positions of various actor groups. 

Policy Brief Health and Climate

Policy Brief Global Health Architecture

Policy Brief Global Health Financing

Policy Brief Digital Health Data Governance

Our 12 Hub Communities also continuously work on solutions to pressing global health questions, publishing their positions and recommendations. Members of the Hub communities collaborate equally on self-selected topics in which they aim to drive change. This collaboration occurs partly in person but mostly virtually via regular video calls. 

Community Paper on Mental Health

Community Paper on Urban Health

Community Paper on Covid-19 and Mental Health

Community Paper on the EWARS Framework


In 2022 alone, we hosted over 20 webinars and in-person events on relevant global health topics. Afterwards, we summarize the key insights for our members, interested individuals, and policymakers. 

Perspectives of non-state actors on the Pandemic Treaty (in German only)

Recommendations for the Digital Transformation of Health

10 Recommendations for Pandemic Preparedness and Response

What happens to the publications?

The Hub management team ensures that the findings are communicated to policymakers. They are presented to and discussed with representatives of the political sphere, allowing them to influence political debates and decision-making processes. Additionally, the management team ensures the visibility of the results in the Global Health community, including traditional media outlets such as Deutsches Ärzteblatt or Tagesspiegel Background, as well as social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. 

Interested in the Hub's findings? 
We are happy to organize presentations and dialogues on the topics we cover. 

Get in touch now!

Previous publications:

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